#fandom  racism


Reylos got caught up in their social media/online bubbles to the point where they mistook their fandom online fandom vocalness for their power and ability to be able to shape and control the decisions Hollywood and the overall film industry made in the future. As they seem to think that the industry would  create a special place where they wouldn’t do anything to upset the Reylo fandom or that they would seek the approval of Reylos before they moved forward with certain decisions such as casting actors for future roles, movies and projects.

As being in their fandom bubbles on social media gave them the false impression that they had more impact and more influence over studios and the industry than what they really had, they suggested using their influence to get together and conspire to flood sites like Rotten Tomatoes with bad reviews on any post TROs film, movie on project John Boyega would be in.  And wanted to be able to spam John Boyega’s movies with bad reviews in their attempt to have his career cancelled out of spite due to him telling a joke about a fictional shape having sex and instead of backing down or apologizing like some others have done when they got the Reylo fandom upset. He stood up for himself against the constant harassment their fandom was giving him.

So they really overestimated their fandom’s influence and thought that they could use their dogpiling antics to make Hollywood and the industry disregard John as an actor or never hire him again. Or hoped that the industry would refuse to hire him on behalf of the upset Reylo fandom. Or they just were projecting their dislike and obsessive hate of John onto everyone else and figured the industry would be share the mentality of the Reylo fandom and would view John in the same light that they do, so therefore John wouldn’t be able to have a career after Star Wars, since they kept pushing the notion that he either wouldn’t have a career or would be blacklisted after Star Wars.

I always knew how Reylos overestimated the influence and the power that their fandom had. Still it gives me validation to see John winning a Golden Globe after all of the Reylo fandom’s trash talk about how his career was over or how he would need to apologize to the Reylo fandom if he wanted any chance to save his career.

He stood up for himself and didn’t back down no matter how much the Reylo fandom tried to harass and pressure him to do so.  And won a Golden Globe, so their wishes and attempt to have him blacklisted from his career have failed.
